Author: admin

Episode 1 Zoning in on Personality Types: How Your Sun and Other Astrological Aspects Define You

Astrology and Cycles of Time Here is the first episode of the The Holistic Monitor Podcast. Welcome to this week’s episode of our astrology podcast! In this episode, we’re discussing the key facts and insights about Western astrology and how to understand someone’s sun sign, as well as other relevant astrological aspects, to identify dominant […]

Episode 2 Emote Kontrol Part 1 with Joseph Scogna

Emote Kontrol Part 1 with Joseph Scogna This is the first of two episodes covering the release of the book Emote Kontrol with accompanying homeopathic remedies from Life Energy Research in 1986. The first episode covers the 8 homeopathic remedies and information on how to use them to move up the scale. The second episode […]